Take a Hike

Post by Jen Hoffman, LPC

This morning, I went for a walk for the first time in a long time. I needed mental and social rest after a long weekend of planning, presenting, and in a way–performing. There are times where we are called to be on–do you know what I mean? We require rest to bounce back. I did not require physical rest, so my feet found the pavement.

As I made my way down the path, I immediately took in the sound of birds and critters putting on a lively chorus around me. I wish I could see them, but the branches would creak and the leaves would rustle to let me know when they were nearby. I sort of laughed to myself when I heard the surprised sound of unsuspecting animals that would scurry away through the brush.

I took deep breaths and felt so refreshed by the promise of fall, just around the corner. Each step–right, left, right–allowed me to find a rhythm and sort my thoughts. This was just what I needed.

I share this with you because rest can look so different for us, depending on what we need. I want to encourage you to get outside and reap the benefits of spending time in nature. Especially as fall is just around the corner. The bilateral movement–right, left, right–soothes our nervous system, releases happy hormones, and gives us a moment to think.

I’d encourage you to skip the playlist, and let nature take the lead on this one. I love a good podcast or song that motivates movement. So please don’t get me wrong. However, tuning in to nature can fully engage your senses. This promotes a positive outcome for the day ahead.

The path and duration are completely up to you. If you’re feeling adventurous, take a hike. If you’re looking for steady ground, map out a well-worn or asphalt path. Invite a friend. Or don’t.  If you experience physical limitations, make it short and find a comfy bench to sit and take in the scenery. Listen to your mind and body to determine if you require a mental, physical, or social break. We encourage you to take a moment to slow down and embrace your mental health as you take in the sights and sounds of nature.

Photo: Unsplash; IamtheDave